Yo! We are Cloe and Bernard Van De Velde

Hi folks! We are a happy couple from Belgium, who decided to leave our cozy home in Antwerp in favor of discovering the magic of faraway lands. Our thirst for adventure calls to us and we are always looking for new interesting places to visit.

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Traveling On A Budget: Tips To Help You Save Money When Traveling Abroad

You know your parents, your school teacher, and your money – always telling you to save money? That is because it does really help with the fiscal management of your cash flow! Having and making a well planned monthly budget can really make travel more affordable and make any worries that you might have concerning over-spending less likely to occur.

It is important, when planning a budget abroad, to keep a record of what you spend and what you earn. This will help you when it comes time to plan your traveling. To begin with, see if you qualify for a special work exchange program that many foreign companies offer. This will help you cut costs when it comes to expenses when you travel, especially when you are working. Not only do these programs cost money, but they can also reduce the amount of money you need to bring home with you when you get home.

Another money-saving tip is to download some travel apps like Google Maps or Apple iWork for iOS. These types of apps will help you figure out exchange rates so you can calculate your trip’s total cost. These apps can also help travelers plan their sightseeing itineraries and book hotels. In addition, these apps can help you compare hotel prices, which can mean significant savings. Look for apps that allow you to customize your information so you can get the most accurate price comparisons.

If you are traveling by air, make sure you check out the airlines’ airfare offers before purchasing your tickets. Many of these airlines will offer airfare refunds if you make changes to your original flight plans, such as dropping some points from your flight, earlier than the advertised date. In addition, don’t forget to use your credit cards when reserving your seats, since the airline may offer significant credit card discounts.

Don’t overbook your flights. Whenever possible, avoid flying during peak seasons, especially if you are traveling on a business trip. Instead, fly during low traffic times or pick the days that tend to be busier. The same goes for going back and forth between cities. Go to the city that is closer to where you live in order to save money on car rental costs.

Last but not least, make use of airbnb and worldpacker. Both airbnb and worldpacker are websites that allow travelers to interact with each other. You can find fellow travelers, exchange tips, experiences, and travel ideas, all through the internet. This is a great way to meet people and get advice about traveling while making it easy to keep your budget under control.

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